The Power of Industry 4.0
Learn how Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is improving manufacturing, operations and safety
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is just a scary word for automation. You don’t have to be afraid of it, because it is not there to replace humans. Well, they do at some point, but it is not there to completely replace humans. Companies are introducing AI so they can optimize their operations. They will still need humans to understand the data that robots are collecting or responding to, but introducing artificial intelligence where high intensity labor is needed, this can be done with robots. For example, in the automobile industry, robots are replacing humans in assembling parts while humans can focus more on interactions with their buyers and customers needs so they can design those ideas into new products.
Another example is Marketing and Communication. They play a big part in companies and require a lot of time for interactions with customers. Introducing chat-bots, digital robots and apps which are based on the customers’ questions, can simply and automatically answer questions that customers have. This way, you can run this service with no time barriers, because you don’t have to be in your office to do that, nor will you have time zone limitations. Many other AI applications are possible. Let’s explore more.